Our online auctions are an excellent way to sell property quickly and give you the best opportunity to get the maximum possible sale price. Our auctions allow interested parties to bid on properties live, in real-time via our online auction platform. Our calendar includes up to 25 live online auctions each year.
There are no fees for entering a property in our auctions, nor any seller fees post-completion and no marketing costs.
Give us a call on 0141 266 0125 or complete the form at the bottom of this page and a member of our team will contact you. Our experts will then provide you with a free valuation of your property in the subsequent days.
Our experienced staff will discuss the likely value of your property. We can do this via an initial telephone consultation. Alternatively we will be happy to visit the property at your convenience.
As we do not charge any selling fee then we don't need to have that awkward conversation about commission or selling fees.
Now that you have chosen to list your property on our online platform we will prepare contracts which will protect all parties involved. When selling property in England you may require a seller's home report / EPC. You will also need to instruct a solicitor to prepare an auction legal pack. Again we can help you with this as we have a number of solicitors who are familiar with the auction legal process.
Once the marketing of your property begins we may receive offers prior to the auction date. We will discuss all relevant offers with you and should we receive a suitable offer we would continue marketing until such times that a contract is agreed.
All properties entered into our auction will have a reserve price set. This is the minimum price the property can sell for on the auction day. We would agree the reserve price with you prior to the auction, it is a confidential figure. The reserve price can be adjusted by you at any point.
When we receive a winning bid the buyer is immediately tied into a binding contract. We would take a minimum deposit of 10% of the agreed purchase price. This is immediately passed to your nominated solicitor.
If your property fails to sell before or on the auction day we will continue marketing. Many properties narrowly fail to get over the line. We will actively call all interested parties in an attempt to negotiate a successful sale. We are happy to consider listing your property again in a subsequent auctions. We charge no withdrawal fee for any properties removed subsequent to listing in one auction.
After contracts are exchanged we will liaise closely with all parties and legal teams with a view to facilitating a smooth speedy exchange. The buyer has 28 days to complete the purchase under our auction terms.
Give us a call on 0141 266 0125 or fill in the form below, and a member of our team will contact you very soon.